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BHRC Fitness – Guided by AFAA Certified Fitness Counselor Rita C. Ciamaichela


Rita Ciamaichela has been working as a fitness professional for 23 years and holds a wide variety of certifications including Pilates Master Practitioner, Certified Personal Trainer, and Group Exercise Instructor. After many years as a Fitness Counselor, her desire to specialize in core conditioning led her to become a Pilates Instructor. Rita is currently teaching and providing personal training services at Brook Highland Racquet Club.




BHRC NEW members are entitled to one free, 30 minute, individual consultation OR one free fitness class.  See detailed description of classes below under Classes Offered. 




Rita offers our members' group exercise classes for all fitness levels.  In these one hour classes, all areas of cardio, strength, and agility are addressed.  You don't have to be a tennis player to see the benefits of these classes.  If personal training is preferred, contact Rita for an appointment.


PILATES – Mondays at 11 am

Increase your core strength and flexibility. Cost is $35/month.  Combine with Circuit Training class for a discounted rate of $65/month.  Other days and times are available by appointment.



Full body tone-up to increase your core strength and flexibility and tone muscles. Includes sports specific work. Cost is $35/month.


SMALL GROUP CIRCUIT TRAINING – by appointment only

Studies show that Fitness training should represent 30% of practice time when a tennis player is focusing on reaching a higher level. Tennis is a complex sport that requires movement in various directions. The most skilled tennis players use the best technique and good footwork in learning to execute that split step quickly.  Rita can help you improve your performance on the court and in many other activities, working on strength, cardio, flexibility and agility training to maximize your results.


This one-hour class is $35/month. Combine with Pilates class for a discounted rate of $65/month.  Contact Rita to sign up. Other days are available on request.


PERSONAL TRAINING is a great way to achieve your fitness goals by having an exercise plan custom-designed to suit your needs.

  • SMALL GROUP TRAINING: Check with Rita for pricing.  Discounts available.

  • HOURLY RATES: $50 member.

  • BUDDY RATE: Partner with a friend for a discount on Personal Training. $30/hour per person.

  • FITNESS ASSESSMENT: 30 minutes. Evaluate and jump-start your current program.  $20 fee.



"I am most fulfilled when I have the opportunity to help others be the best they can be. A wide variety of cross-training activities is the most effective way for my clients to achieve their fitness goals. Some of these activities are resistance training, cardiovascular exercises, and core conditioning. The mind/body connection of Pilates exercises has brought improved health to so many of my clients. Helping people achieve an enhanced healthy lifestyle has been one of the most rewarding areas of my life.”


Contact Rita if you have any questions or to add a class to better suit your schedule.

Rita Ciamaichela,  AFAA Certified Fitness Counselor

988-5015 home/529-2642 cell



3157 Brook Highland Drive

Birmingham, AL 35242

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